TV Season 2009/2010 Diary, CW 40-47

Deutsche Version | CW 37-46 | CW 45-48 Bones 5×07 The Dwarf in the Dirt Gordon Gordon is back! 🙂 And Stephen Fry has lost a lot of weight. I hope he isn’t ill or something. Booth was certainly the highlight of this episode, both in regards to his mental problems and him being helped…

TV Season 2009/2010 Diary, CW 37-46

Deutsche Version | CW 45 | CW 40-47 The Good Wife 1×06 Conjugal I love the unusual (and yet serious) way how they solve their cases and I like how they often find a way to involve Alicia’s husband in the case even when she has to sacrifice his reputation in the end. Two and…

TV Season 2009/2010 Diary, CW 43-44

Deutsche Version | CW 42-43 | CW 45 White Collar 1×01 Pilot Someone mentioned that Chuck‘s Bryce Larkin would play a con man in the style of the epilogue of Catch Me If You Can. And I thought that I’d give it a try. So far I have to say it’s OK. As of yet…

TV Season 2009/2010 Diary, CW 39-42

Deutsche Version | CW 41 | CW 42-43 Bones 5×04 The Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood I really enjoyed this episode with all its entanglements in suburbia and especially the bantering between Bones/anthropology and Sweets/psychology regarding the life there. Supernatural 5×05 Fallen Idols Kripke warned the viewers not to judge to quickly about the appearance…

TV Season 2009/2010 Diary, CW 37-40

Deutsche Version | CW 41 Since I am watching a number of TV shows via community means, I decided to give a short opinion of said episodes. The season began a few weeks ago, so here comes a bulk review: Bones 5×01 Harbingers in a Fountain While it was a nice start into the season…

The Pilot Marathon Part 6

Deutsche Version | Part 5 | Part 7 Since I’ve purchased quite a number of new TV shows, I thought to resurrect this marathon. V (1983) What’s the show about? A group of underground rebels fights against an alien race who have invaded Earth without making it appear as such. The resistance cell is a…