I’ve written some tools for myself that are helping me in the usage of DVD Profiler. These tools are of the “roughly carved” kind and have no fancy user interface and they do exactly that what they were written for (and nothing more). However, maybe there’s someone out there that has also use for them. The source code is included and everyone who is able to write C# is allowed to modify it.
If there are any questions to these tools, then you are welcome to ask them in this forum. Or via e-Mail to profiler_plugins @ doena-soft . de
If you like these tools and want to show your appreciation then the easiest ways is donating via Paypal.
Tool List
- Adding Time
- Cast/Crew Edit 2
- Clean Profile
- Clean Up Photos from DVD Profiler
- Compare DVD Profiler Databases
- DVD Inventory
- DVD Profiler to Access
- Find Double Dips
- Find Name Duplicates
- Freestyle Cast/Crew Edit
- Initialize TV Show Child Profiles
- Enhanced Notes
- Enhanced Purchase Info
- Enhanced Titles
- DigitalDownloadInfo
- Enhanced Features
- Profile History
- Watch History
- Database Consistency Checker
- Six Degrees of DVD Profiler
- Cast/Crew Copy&Paste
- Add by DVD Disc ID
- Source Code for DVD Profiler’s XMLs
Adding Time
Last Update: Feb 19, 2022, current version:
Adding Time is intended to sum up run times of TV show episodes. One enters the time as hours:minutes:seconds or as minutes:seconds. Because it’s simpler to do this via the number pad, the following separators are allowed: “:”, “.” and “,”.
To sum up several discs you move the result of one disc to the right side and in the end you can sum up the entire season.
You can also read the data from the disc itself if you have the appropriate drive.

Cast/Crew Edit 2
Last Update: Jan 22, 2025, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0
- Program
- Program (Upgrade) (contains only the program files)
- Program (Data) (contains only the latest data files)
- Source Code on GitHub
This program helps you to parse movie / TV Show sites
from IMDb to use the cast, character and crew information in DVD Profiler.
This program is for personal use only, commercial use of IMDb data is forbidden by IMDb and the use of IMDb data in the DVD Profiler online database is forbidden by Invelos.

Freestyle Cast/Crew Edit
Last Update: Feb 21, 2021, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
“Freestyle Cast/Crew Edit” is an editor to have an easier and more comfortable way to enter cast and crew data into DVD Profiler.

DVD Inventory
Last Update: Dec 14, 2018, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
“DVD Inventory” is a small program that allows you to stock-take your DVD Collection, preferably with a barcode scanner, if you have one.

Clean Up Photos from DVD Profiler
Last Update: Jun 27, 2021, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
“Clean Up Photos from DVD Profiler” is a tool that will show you unused files in your folders CreditPhotos, ScenePhotos and (optionally) cover images.
It also allows you to remove these files. Of course, you do so at your own risk.

DVD Profiler to Access
Last Update: Oct 24, 2023, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
This program takes the exported XML and transforms the data into an Access database. There you can perform more complex queries (e.g. Pivot Tables) than with DVD Profiler.

Find Double Dips
Last Update: Jun 27, 2021, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
This tool will allow you to find possible double dips in your collection.

Find Name Duplicates
Last Update: Jun 27, 2021, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
This program scans the exported XML for possible name duplicates, e.g. when only the birth year is different or when only the parsing is different (Helena//Bonham Carter vs. Helena/Bonham/Carter).

Initialize TV Show Child Profiles
Last Update: Jan 13, 2022, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
A Plugin for DVD Profiler, to fill the child profiles of a TV show season with the data (CoO, regions, genres, studios, …) of that box set.

Clean Profile
Last Update: Feb 03, 2021, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
A plugin for DVD Profiler, which empties the selected fields (e.g. studios, cast, crew) of a given profile.

Compare DVD Profiler Databases
Last Update: Sep 25, 2022, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
This tool compares two different DVD Profiler databases with each other. It will show all profiles that have the same UPC/EAN and Locality and the difference between them.
You can use it if you want to merge two databases or if you have the same database on multiple computers.
To use the full functionality of this tool, you’ll also need to install WinMerge, another free tool.

Enhanced Notes
Last Update: May 30, 2024, current version: 1.1.5 for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
A plugin for DVD Profiler which allows the user to use five more note fields per profile – even as HTML note.

Enhanced Purchase Info
Last Update: Jan 13, 2022, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0
A plugin for DVD Profiler which allows the user to enter more detailed purchase information per profile.
Also you can export the DVD Profiler standard and the enhanced purchase information directly to Excel – for selected or all profiles in your database.

Enhanced Titles
Last Update: Jun 27, 2021, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
A plugin for DVD Profiler which allows the user to add more (alternate) titles per profile.
This plugin also allows you to use non-latin letters like Cyrillic or Kanji.

Enhanced Features
Last Update: May 30, 2024, current version: 1.0.1 for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
A plugin for DVD Profiler which allows add more user-defined feature checkmarks to each profile.
You can then also filter for these features or have them displayed in an HTML window.

Digital Download Info
Last Update: Jun 27, 2021, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
A plugin for DVD Profiler which allows the user to add information about the digital download option.

Profile History
Last Update: Mar 17, 2018, current version: for DVD Profiler 4.0.0
A program for DVD Profiler which uses the XML export to create a change history of a profile.
You regularily export your collection to XML and keep the older files. When you need to know something about the history of any profile, you create a Flag Set of these profiles and then you start Profile History. It will scan your archive files and build a list of changes done over time. And then you can compare any two versions of the same profile:

To use the full functionality of this tool, you’ll also need to install WinMerge, another free tool.
Watch History
Last Update: May 30, 2024, current version:
An additional tool that can be used independently or in combination with DVD Profiler. It allows you to track your watch progress on a episode-based level.
You can scan your hard drive for video files or import your DVD Profiler collection to mark the episodes as watched. Video files on your computer can be played directly from the tool.
And I thought “Hey … loom!”

Database Consistency Checker
Last Update: Jan 09, 2023, current version:
A program for DVD Profiler that helps you to check if all profiles are in accordance to your own quality standards.
For this you generate a list of rules which are checked and low-quality profiles get listed in the result:

Six Degrees of DVD Profiler
Last Update: Nov 23, 2022, current version:
This program is a little fun project and based on the idea of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon which is in turn based on the concept of Six Degrees of Separation.

If you also wish to generate a graphical output, you need to install a free software called Graphviz. The download can be found here. The result will look like this:
Cast/Crew Copy&Paste
Last Update: May 30, 2024, current version:
This plugin offers you a quicker way to import and export cast via the DVD menu.
Add by DVD Disc ID
Last Update: Nov 23, 2022, current version:
Since the Windows 10 version 1809, Windows — and thus DVD Profiler — calculates the wrong disc ID of a video DVD.
A bug report has been created but nothing has happened since.
To be able to create discs with the original ID, this plugin was created.
Source Code for DVD Profiler’s XMLs
Collection of classes that can help you (de)serialize any of DVD Profiler’s XMLs, including sample code.
Great plug-ins!
I really need one similar to Clear Profiles that will take a flagged list and mark the “no” checkbox next to collection number. I have a ton of child profiles that received collection numbers and I don’t want those to ever get a number when I renumber the collection. Child items like disc 1, disc 2, etc. Is that possible? I’d be willing to pay for this type of plugin. Thank you!