TV Season 2009/2010 Diary, CW 43-44

Deutsche Version | CW 42-43 | CW 45

White Collar 1×01 Pilot
Someone mentioned that Chuck‘s Bryce Larkin would play a con man in the style of the epilogue of Catch Me If You Can. And I thought that I’d give it a try. So far I have to say it’s OK. As of yet I am undecided whether it’s a show for long-term watching, I will have to watch a few more episodes to decide that.

Castle 2×05 When the Bough Breaks
Richard Castle as possible author of James Bond books. That’d be the day πŸ˜€ I loved it how Kate’s and Rick’s relationship was developing forward without them actually doing anything in this regard.

Castle 2×06 Vampire Weekend
Despite all the references to the Whedonverse and Vampires, Lycans and co. in general, it was only an average episode. As I said before, Crime isn’t really my genre and this show has the disadvantage that there isn’t any additional drama outside the current case. I had hoped there would come something out of Castle’s discovery regarding Beckett’s mom’s murder, but they put that back in the box and forgot about it.

Two and a Half Men 7×05 For the Sake of the Child
This was a great episode, the two brothers worked very well as this old couple. I haven’t laughed that much for a while on TaaHM. “Things you would change about me? – Your address!”

Dollhouse 2×04 Belonging
A really great episode, written by Jed Whedon and directed by Jonathan Frakes. Again Echo is not in the spotlight, but Sierra and – especially – Topher. And it was one of the episodes where they seriously question the ethics and morality of the Dollhouse itself. They should do this way more often because therein lies the conflict potential of the show.

Cougar Town 1×05 You Wreck Me
I really like that somewhat sentimental take on life of the show. And in between all these forty-somethings is that teenage boy and his ironic comments. It’s more smile-funny show than a laugh-funny show, but I like it.

Cougar Town 1×06 A Woman in Love (It’s Not Me)
That affair ain’t over yet. I’m sure of it. I also like how the neighbour is slowly getting a larger role in the show but I also think they need another character in Travis’s age to bounce sarcastic comments off of someone.

Gossip Girl 3×06 Enough About Eve
Nice power play everyone! And crash and burn for most of them… Blair played a nice Xanatos Gambit nonetheless. But Olivia is a bit too much like Serena in the first season, read: too nice. I need more drama, more secrets and more intrigues. … And when I get it I just whish they would be more honest with one another… A bigot I am.

Gossip Girl 3×07 How to Succeed in Bassness
Just an average episode, nothing special even when it was Halloween.

How I Met Your Mother 5×05 Duel Citizenship
This time I was absolutely in sync with Ted. When he was bored, I was bored. When he had fun (or was in pain at the end) I had fun. And I loved it when the Canadians pummelled Barney for dissing them. Devil

Supernatural 5×07 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
Except for being obvious what cards Sam would have in that last heads-up, this was a cool episode. I liked it how they involved Bobby again and I also liked the 80-year-old Dean, the actor was pretty convincing with his annoyed stare. But I also liked the he-witch especially since he was not bad in the evil-bad sense.

FlashForward 1×05 Gimme Some Truth
Sometimes I have the feeling that the story is developing a bit too slow (a senate hearing that early in the show and over an entire episode?). And they used the style element to show the end before the beginning just to make a “48 hours earlier” jump – I think without that many people might have turned off during the episode.

FlashForward 1×06 Scary Monsters and Super Creeps
There’s a bit too much personal drama and too little mystery uncovering drama for my taste. Yes we learned something new in the end but the main part of the episode was too focussed on … (I still haven’t learned their names) the main character’s personal life in 6 months. At least they remain the mystery if the future an actually be changed.

Smallville 9×05 Roulette
Even though her role was technically small I really liked what Chloe did in this episode. But what I didn’t like were the hints towards another triangle Clark-Lois-Oliver that shimmered through at the end of the episode. I hope they leave it at that and don’t actually get through with it (Lois & Oliver again I mean).

Heroes 4×06 Chapter Five ‘Tabula Rasa’
The evil plan begins to emerge, but it’s still not clear what the goal of the circus folk is. It certainly would be interesting if Hiro manages to save Charlie but I fear the consequences of a writer’s time paradox.

Heroes 4×06 Chapter Six ‘Strange Attractors’
This was not so interesting, seeing Claire wandering through a slaughter house and Matt fighting against Head-Sylar. They have to do better.

Stargate Universe 1×05 Light
Of course they wouldn’t die because then the show would be over. And I was pretty sure the shuttle wouldn’t be lost since it contained at least to “credit” actors and as far as I can tell is the only shuttle left. And since they couldn’t do anything about their situation the viewer has to watch them doing nothing and has to wait with them for the miracle that is saving them.

Stargate Universe 1×06 Water
I get what they (the writers) are trying to achieve. I really do. They (the characters) are alone at the arse of the universe, they have no control and limited supplies. But it’s boring. We have an entire episode dedicated to a man stuck in a glacier and the rest of the crew hunts a bag full of fleas. I don’t think I will watch this much longer, time is precious.

White Collar 1×02 Threads
Huh. That was a bit disappointing. It’s only the second episode and it already became a regular cop show. Sure, the case itself was about forgery but everything else, even the involvement of Neal was regular cop stuff. You don’t need a con man for that.

CW 45