About A Boy

About A Boy @ Wikipedia About A Boy @ IMDb Synopsis: Will wrote a Christmas song that made him decently rich a few years ago. He is an adult but he never grew up. His life changes when a single mother and her young son move in next door. Marcus doesn’t have any friends and…

TV Season 2009/2010 Diary, CW 13-19

Deutsche Version | CW 18 | CW 19-20 Chuck 3×16 Chuck vs the Tooth I already like this new mini-arc (there are only three episodes left). My guess for the end is something like this: Ellie and Orion get caught by the Ring and Chuck and Sarah have to burst in to save them and…

Movie & Trailer Retcons

Some guys have put real effort in re-cutting trailers of movies in order to give them a whole new meaning (If something like this happens in a TV show, it’s called a Retcon). It’s very funny, especially if you know the actual movies: Not a retcon, but driving the point home: