TV-Junkie-Tagebuch 2022 – Februar

01. FebTotal: 0m 02. FebTotal: 0m 03. FebYellowstone 4×07 Keep the Wolves CloseCommunity 2×07 Aerodynamics of Gender9-1-1: Lone Star 3×04 PushTotal: 2h 22m 04. FebLucifer 3×25 Boo NormalLucifer 2×05 WeaponizerFriends 1×23 The One with the BirthFriends 1×24 The One where Rachel finds OutTotal: 2h 16m 05. FebTotal: 0m

TV-Junkie-Tagebuch 2022 – Januar

01. JanThe Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2021Total: 1h 32m 02. JanUrban Priol: TILT 2021Total: 1h 29m 03. JanTed Lasso 1×01 PilotBrooklyn Nine-Nine 2×06 Jake and SophiaAll Rise 1×15 Prelude to a FishAll Rise 1×16 My Fair LockdownTotal: 2h 18m 04. Jan#Beisenherz 03. Jan 2022 #kanzler_scholz, #wellenbrecher, #klimaversagen, #CDU_am_BodenTotal: 42m 05. JanIce Road Rescue…