TV-Junkie-Tagebuch 2022 – Juni

01. Jun
The Orville 2×13 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
The Orville 2×14 The Road Not Taken
The Orville 3×01 Electric Sheep
The Orville 2×03 Home
The Orville 1×01 Old Wounds
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 4x01x02 The Way of the Warrior
Total: 5h 51m

02. Jun
Hudson & Rex 2×03 Blind Justice
Hudson & Rex 2×04 Strangers in the Night
Hudson & Rex 2×14 Tunnel Vision
Hudson & Rex 2×16 Flare of the Dog
Total: 2h 48m

03. Jun
Hudson & Rex 3×03 Under Pressure
Hudson & Rex 3×07 All in the Litter
Hudson & Rex 3×10 Fanning the Flames
Total: 2h 6m

04. Jun
Private Eyes 4×01 Family Plot
Private Eyes 4×04 The Proof Is Out There
Private Eyes 4×05 All’s Fair in Love and Amor
Total: 2h 11m

05. Jun
Parks & Recreation 6×06 Filibuster
Parks & Recreation 6×07 Recall Vote
Parks & Recreation 6×10 Second Chunce
Parks & Recreation 6×11 New Beginnings
Total: 1h 26m

06. Jun
Total: 0m

07. Jun
Total: 0m

08. Jun
#beisenherz 30. Mai 2022 #putins_vormarsch, #warten_auf_waffen, #milliarden_für_bundeswehr, #tankrabatt, #klimageld
Total: 41m

09. Jun
All Rise 2×15 Hear My Voice
All Rise 2×16 Leap of Faith
Total: 1h 27m

10. Jun
All Rise 2×17 Yeet
Total: 43m

11. Jun
Dragon Ball Super 1×01 Die Belohnung für den Frieden. Wer erhält die 100 Millionen Zeni?
All Rise 3×01 Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’
The Orville 2×04 Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes
The Orville 2×05 All the World is Birthday Cake
The Orville 2×06 A Happy Refrain
Total: 3h 30m

12. Jun
The Orville 2×07 Deflectors
The Orville 2×08 Identity, Pt. 1
The Orville 2×09 Identity, Pt. 2
The Orville 2×10 Blood of Patriots
The Orville 2×11 Lasting Impressions
The Orville 2×12 Sanctuary
Extra 3 08. Jun 2022 Inflation auf Rekordniveau | 9-Euro-Ticket: erste Bilanz | China: Abhängigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft | Patriarch Kyrill: Putins Hassprediger
Total: 5h 19m

13. Jun
The Orville 2×13 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
The Orville 2×14 The Road Not Taken
Resident Alien 2×01 Old Friends
Supernatural 15×19 Inherit the Earth
Total: 3h 5m

14. Jun
#beisenherz 13. Jun 2022 #scholz_kiewreise, #tankrabatt_flop, #kartellrecht_verschärfen, #esken_fahrverbote, #soziale_pflicht
Supernatural 4×18 The Monster at the End of This Book
Supernatural 4×03 In the Beginning
Resident Alien 2×02 The Wire
Resident Alien 2×03 Girls’ Night
Resident Alien 2×04 Radio Harry
Total: 4h 18m

15. Jun
Total: 0m

16. Jun
Total: 0m

17. Jun
Resident Alien 2×05 Family Day
Resident Alien 2×06 An Alien in New York
Resident Alien 2×07 Escape from New York
Resident Alien 2×08 Alien Dinner Party
Total: 2h 56m

18. Jun
Total: 0m

19. Jun
Doctor Who (2005) 3×10 Blink
Doctor Who (2005) 6×04 The Doctor’s Wife
Doctor Who (2005) 6×07 A Good Man Goes to War
Total: 2h 20m

20. Jun
Türkisch für Anfänger 1×02 Die, in der ich keine Schwester will
The Good Place 1×09 …Someone Like Me as a Member
The Good Place 1×10 Chidi’s Choice
Total: 1h 7m

21. Jun
#beisenherz 20. Jun 2022 #ukraine_in_eu?, #putins_vergeltung, #habeck_gassparen, #atomkraft_vs_kohlekraft, #macron_geschwächt
The Time Traveler’s Wife 1×01 Episode One
The Time Traveler’s Wife 1×02 Episode Two
The Good Place 1×01 Everything is Fine
The Good Place 1×02 Flying
The Good Place 1×03 Tahani Al-Jamil
The Good Place 1×04 Jason Mendoza
The Good Place 1×05 Category 55 Doomsday Crisis
The Good Place 1×06 What We Owe to Each Other
The Good Place 1×07 The Eternal Shriek
Total: 4h 46m

22. Jun
The Good Place 1×08 Most Improved Player
The Good Place 1×09 …Someone Like Me as a Member
The Good Place 1×10 Chidi’s Choice
The Good Place 1×12 Mindy St. Claire
The Good Place 1×13 Michael’s Gambit
Total: 1h 46m

23. Jun
The Good Place 2×01 Everything Is Great!
The Good Place 2×02 Dance Dance Resolution
The Good Place 2×03 Team Cockroach
The Good Place 1×11 What’s My Motivation
The Good Place 2×04 Existential Crisis
The Good Place 2×05 The Trolley Problem
The Good Place 2×06 Janet and Michael
The Good Place 2×07 Derek
The Good Place 2×08 Leap to Faith
The Good Place 2×09 Best Self
Total: 4h 8m

24. Jun
The Good Place 2×10 Rhonda, Diana, Jake, and Trent
The Good Place 2×11 The Burrito
The Good Place 2×12 Somewhere Else
The Good Place 3×01 Everything Is Bonzer!
The Good Place 3×02 The Brainy Bunch
The Good Place 3×03 The Snowplow
Total: 2h 38m

25. Jun
The Good Place 3×04 Jeremy Bearimy
The Good Place 3×05 The Ballad Of Donkey Doug
The Good Place 3×06 A Fractured Inheritance
Gysi & Schmidt: Der ntv Rückblick 2022 | Folge 1
Real Time with Bill Maher 03. Jun 2022 Eric Holder, Michael Shellenberger, Douglas Murray
Real Time with Bill Maher 10. Jun 2022 Cornel West, Kellyanne Conway, Josh Barro
Real Time with Bill Maher 17. Jun 2022 Danny Strong, Krystal Ball, James Kirchick
Real Time with Bill Maher 24. Jun 2022 Christine Emba, Andrew Sullivan, Katie Herzog
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 05. Jun 2022 School resource officers
Total: 6h 18m

26. Jun
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 12. Jun 2022 Big Tech monopolies
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 19. Jun 2022 Housing in the United States
Ein Duke kommt selten allein 1×01 One Armed Bandits
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen 7×15 Get It Done
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen 7×16 Storyteller
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen 7×17 Lies My Parents Told Me
Total: 4h 5m

27. Jun
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 26. Jun 2022 Colorado River Compact and aridification of the Western U.S.
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen 1×05 Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
Total: 1h 20m

28. Jun
Total: 0m

29. Jun
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen 1×06 The Pack
Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen 1×07 Angel
#beisenherz 27. Jun 2022 #G7_gegen_putin, #ukraine_rückzug, #gas_triage, #steuerfreier_einmalbonus, #3euro_bürgertest
Total: 2h 11m

30. Jun
Total: 0m

Total: 2d 19h 2m
Durchschnitt: 2h 14m pro Tag