TV Junkie: A History – Part 2

A bit over six years ago I wrote down of which TV shows I’ve seen more than one season, many of them more than half and often enough 90-100% of a show. Back then it added up to 247 shows.

Now I’ve checked again and noticed that I’ve missed shows back then (e.g. Alias and Community).
Also a lot more current shows have added the ranks as well as older stuff I’ve only just discovered.

This new list contains 86 more shows and brings the total up to 333.

And on the very bottom are shows that started just this year and have not yet filled the “one season” quota.

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Purchase Diary 2014 – December

Chicago P.D.: Season 1 (2014)

Dec 2nd – €13.93 ($21.06) @

Collection no. 12848 – 12851

An Adventure in Space and Time (2013)

Dec 3rd – €9.99 (£6.75) @

Collection no. 20040

Nashville: Season 2 (2013 – 2014)

Dec 3rd – €24.45 (£17.84) @

Collection no. 12852 – 12856

Chicago Fire: Season 2 (2013 – 2014)

Dec 6th – €21.91 ($20.29) @

Collection no. 12857 – 12861

Frozen (2013)

Dec 6th (gift)

Collection no. 1190

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Chuck Lorre, Where Art Thou?

I used to love Chuck Lorre shows.

I loved them back in the days of the first few seasons of Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory and even the beginning of Mike & Molly.

But now? Not so much. But let me break this down by series.

Two and a Half Men

Let me preface this by saying I don’t care what happens behind the curtains. I never did. Not with this show, not with others. What I care about is what happens on the screen.

TaaHM used to be funny. Back in the days when Jake was still a cute kid, back when Charlie wrote things like the Oshikuru theme song, back then when Alan had no success with women.

Long before Angus T. Jones grew up and pulled a sort-of Kirk Cameron, Jake was used less and less and had to endure the fate of many a sitcom character: His character traits were exaggerated until (in his case) he was basically too dumb to live. Does anyone remember that cool kid from the Pilot who out-bluffed grown men at the poker table?

Charlie (the on-screen character) didn’t change all that much over the season until he was killed off-screen.

And Alan? I found Alan never that funny to begin with but his ability too mooch and his inabilty to find a decent job (has he been working at all in the past two seasons?) have just stretched way beyond the breaking point.

All in all, I’m going to cancel TaaHM for myself at the end of the season.

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