The story of Star Wars sung to the tunes of John William’s music:
Who fucked who?
Here is a list of funny YouTube videos in chronological order.
It started with the fact that the Late Night talker Jimmy Kimmel always apologized to Matt Damon because they ran out of time – but Matt Damon was never there. The one time he was there Jimmy did the very same thing and Matt was furious (first video). Whether this was for real doesn’t really matter. But it started a chain reaction that involved Jimmy Kimmel’s girlfriend, Sarah Silverman, and Matt Damon’s very good friend Ben Affleck (fourth and fifth video).
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Theme Songs
I found this guy on YouTube who made some funny lyrics to popular movie themes.
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Jeff Dunham
Maybe you’ll already know him, but I find him quite cool.
Jeff Dunham is ventriloquist who has several puppets.
Jeff & Ahmed: