Downgrade to WordPress 2.3.3

At some point I got the glorious idea to update from WordPress 2.3.2 to version 2.6.5. I was punished instantly because the WYSIWYG editor didn’t work anymore.

Luckily a few days later version 2.7 came out and I updated again. Looked nice but was terribly slow. And suddenly I got a mail from my provider that my scripts would drive the server insane and that I had to do something. So I checked all my projects and did some optimizations and whatnot because I thought the error would be somewhere in my “bricolage code” πŸ˜‰ .

But then he said: It’s your WordPress. So I deacticated all my plugins but it didn’t help. So what did I do, I exported all my posts, killed WordPress 2.7, did a clean install of 2.3.3 and here we are again.

And what have we learned again what we’ve never should have forgotten? Never change a running system!