TV Season 2010/2011 Diary #10

In the last few weeks I didn’t feel much like watching anything. But then the hill turned into a mountain. Luckily some of the series are pausing for some weeks and I decided to play catch up before I have to cross the Alps. Since this was a bigger marathon session I won’t talk about every individual episode but rather about I like the season so far.

With Bones it’s business as usual. I like their cases and their chemistry and I just enjoy watching them.
And I loved it how Brennan managed to jump over her own shadow for this kids show:

The same is basically true for Castle. Castle and Beckett are hilarious together and I love the way they solve their cases. Both shows have put the WTWT topic on a back burner which is good for now but it’s obviously still there and will become an issue again. I don’t mind as long as it’s well executed.

Chuck’s family tree is becoming more complicated than the one Jennifer Garner had in Alias – and that’s saying something. 😉
Chuck as a person has grown but luckily that doesn’t take away the humour and the appeal of the show. If anything the addition of Morgan as Casey’s “partner” made it even better.

I love it how every episode is mainly about one or two characters but it doesn’t really feel that way because everyone is contributing their own point of view and in the end it’s always an ensemble show.
The zombie movie homage in the Halloween episode was so cool – and I don’t even like zombie movies.

Cougar Town
The show continues where it left at the end of the first season. I’m glad that it doesn’t really matter that Travis is in college because he’s either at home or they are visiting him, so he’s still a full cast member.
I also love how they toy with the series name, for example in episode five the title card read 100% Cougar Free Cougar Town. 😀

Gossip Girl
They certainly have kicked the drama up a notch. I love it that even the viewer doesn’t know what Juliet’s and Ben’s and Colin’s problem with the mains is and what they’re trying to achieve.
[Austin Powers]Gimme more drama, babe![/Austin Powers]

House M.D.
I love the new House, how he’s trying to change, how he behaves with Cuddy. The last episode where he played babysitter was great. “What? How did you eat a dime?” – “House.” 😀

How I Met Your Mother
Somewhere along the way the show lost its appeal. It’s still enjoyable but it’s not high on the priority list anymore.
I often can’t really put it into words why I don’t enjoy that much anymore. But I can still determine it by asking the simple question “Am I going to buy this season on DVD?”. The more important a show is to me, the more eager I am to purchase it.

Life Unexpected
They, too, turned up the drama factor.
Maybe I am gender-biased but when I compare Ryan’s and Cate’s lies and transgressions I still think Cate’s the most dishonest person on the show. Maybe that’s why I like Baze being with Emma. He’s trying to make it work. All Cate ever does is sabotaging her own marriage.

Melissa & Joey
They play very well off each other and I enjoy every episode of it. It’s fun to watch. What more can you ask of a sitcom?

No Ordinary Family
I still haven’t watched more than the pilot and while I like the idea and the characters I’m not too eager to watch the next episode. I think this is going to be a filler series for the mid-season break.

Raising Hope
Still weird. Still very enjoyable. I can’t really explain where the fascination comes from but it’s there.

$#*! My Dad Says
Sometimes it becomes a bit too self-referential (making a career out of writing down what his dad says) but I really enjoy father and son (and to a degree the big brother and his wife).

Nothing has changed with this show. Sometime you ask yourself if the writers really know their own canon or just retcon what they need as they go along. Sometimes you have to ask yourself if Clark is ever going to make one step all by himself without being pulled or pushed by a third person.
And still: Clark and Lois, Lois and Clark. They are great together this season. Their “I love you”s in Homecoming, his reveal in Isis, I would totally trade places with Clark just to look into Lois’ sparkling eyes. *extreme character crush*

Supernatural / The Good Wife / The Vampire Diaries
I haven’t even watched one episode of the new season yet. It’s not that they are bad shows; I just wasn’t in the mood yet.

Another show I haven’t continued watching (yet!).

The Big Bang Theory
Still as funny as ever. Unfortunately Kaley Cuoco broke was trampled by a horse and broke her leg but it’ll heal and she’ll be back soon. 🙂

Two and a Half Men
Even in its eighth year this show is still funny as hell. The focus has shifted a bit from Charlie to Alan but it works.